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BASH-GitEnhancements is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Bash Git Enhancements

BASH Git Enhancements

This is pretty simple.


Step 1: Source the bash-git-ps1 file into your bashrc.

source ~/.bash-git-ps1  # or whatever path you chose.

Step 2: update your PS1, example shown here:

PS1="\n\[\e[1;34m\]\w \$(__gitinfo)\e[0;0m\] $ "

That should be it.. if you change into a git project it should show you the branch name. As you change files and work with your local branch it will also show you how many altered files you have locally and how many commits ahead of your remote branch you are.

The output is something like this:

Sample: (master: *8 ^3) So we're on the 'master' branch and we have 8 modified files and we are 3 commits ahead of the remote master.