Home > basic_active_model


Basic_active_model is a project mainly written in ..., based on the MIT license.

BasicActiveModel provides a minimal architecture for a model that may be used in Rails forms.

h1. BasicActiveModel

BasicActiveModel provides a minimal architecture for a model that may be used in Rails forms. It does not provide any kind of implementation. It may be used to create static models (search, contact us, etc.).

It includes ActiveModel validations and may be initialized with an argument Hash with optional mass assignment security.

Please take a look of the specs for more information...

h2. Installation

WARNING : this gem uses ActiveModel and therefore is only compatible with Rails 3.

In your Gemfile:

  gem "basic_active_model"

h2. Example

  class ContactUs < BasicActiveModel
    attr_accessor :email, :subject, :body, :admin
    attr_accessible :email, :subject, :body
    validates_presence_of :body

  (in the view)
  = form_for @contact_us do |f|
    = f.text_field :email

  (in the ContactUs controller)

  @contact_us = ContactUs.new(params[:contact_us])
  if @contact_us.valid?