Home > basic_daemon


Basic_daemon is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Ruby library which provides a basic interface for daemonizing applications

= BasicDaemon


A basic library for creating daemonized processes

This library works with Ruby 1.8, Ruby 1.9, and JRuby and is licensed under the MIT License.

== Installation

The basic_daemon gem is hosted on GemCutter (http://gemcutter.org). This requires that you have http://gemcutter.org in your gem sources.

Install the basic_daemon gem:

sudo gem install basic_daemon

== Gettings Started

There are currently two ways of using the basic_daemon library: 1) Objected Oriented; 2) Functional.

=== Object Oriented

The basic idea here is to subclass BasicDaemon and overwride the "run" method.

require 'basic_daemon'

class MyDaemon < BasicDaemon def run foo = open("/tmp/out", "w")

  i = 1

  while true do
    foo.puts "loop: #{i}"
    sleep 2

    i += 1


daemon = MyDaemon.new

if ARGV[0] == 'start' daemon.start elsif ARGV[0] == 'stop' daemon.stop exit! elsif ARGV[0] == 'restart' daemon.restart else STDERR.puts "Usage: foo_daemon.rb <start|stop|restart>" exit! end

=== Functional

Rather than subclassing BasicDaemon, a block is just passed to the start method.

require 'basic_daemon'

daemon = BasicDaemon.new

process = Proc.new do foo = open("/tmp/out", "w")

  i = 1

  while true do
    foo.puts "loop: #{i}"
    sleep 2

    i += 1

if ARGV[0] == 'start' daemon.start &process elsif ARGV[0] == 'stop' daemon.stop exit! elsif ARGV[0] == 'restart' daemon.restart &process else STDERR.puts "Usage: foo_daemon.rb <start|stop|restart>" exit! end

=== Arguments

BasicDaemon creates file to store the process ID (PID). By default, this file is given the same name as the calling script sans the file extension and is stored in the /tmp directory. Also by default, the directory the calling script is working in is changed to the root directory ('/').

Each argument, :pidfile, :piddir, :workingdir, can be changed upon instantiation of the class.

==== Example:

Most Linux users will want to instantiate thusly:

BasicDaemon.new(:piddir => '/var/lock')

== Copyright

Copyright(c) 2009 Samuel Mullen (samullen). See LICENSE for details
