BBYIDX is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

BBYIDX is a free and open source idea-gathering application written in Ruby and distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License.

To get the app running, you will need to edit the following files to customize everything for your environment:

config/newrelic.yml       (if you want performance metrics from NewRelic)
config/twitter.yml        (if you want Twitter integration)
config/facebooker.yml     (if you want Facebook integration)

To customize the UI, edit / create files in the following directories:


UI elements that pertain to your brand need not be contributed back to the open source project.


To set up the database, if you are using MySQL, you'll need to make sure the user configured in database.yml has permission to use the "load data" command:

grant file on *.* to bbyidx;

To set up the database:

rake db:create   # if you haven't created it already through your DB admin tool
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

You will be prompted to provide an email address and password for the admin user.

Now give your installation a test drive!


To verify your installation:

rake test

moved repo to BBYOpen. Testing pull into forks. Testing pull again.
