Home > bc-letters


Bc-letters is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Ruby on Rails correspondence database for my history dissertation.


bc-letters is a simple Ruby on Rails application for handling JPGs of archival images. The eventual goal is to support geographic mapping of a correspondence collection held at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, which is part of the research for my dissertation in American history.

This is a work in progress; I share it in the hopes that other historians will be able to learn from it, following the suggestion of Jeremy Boggs:



bc-letters is designed around my own particular needs, and it's in constant development. I make no guarantees that it'll be useful for your purposes, but you can see some of the features I'd like to add in TODO.

See INSTALL for current information on setting this up for yourself. (My development environment is OS X 10.6, and that's what I test it on.)

If you're interested in hacking on a more generalized software toolkit for geographic mapping of correspondence collections, or if you have questions about this package, please contact me through GitHub:


Copyright and License

bc-letters is Copyright © 2010 Shane Landrum.

It's released under the GNU General Public License v3; there's a copy of that license in COPYING.