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Gridview is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Show results in grid view

jquery/README == Welcome to Rails Application with Google chart table tool

This application uses with google chart table for showing results in gridview .

== Description of Contents

In general we need to show grid view results . For this we have to write some styles , design and coding part . But Google visual chart tools provides table tool for showing results in grid view .

I followed below posts and customize the code :

http://www.rorexperts.com/google-visualization-api-data-table-in-ruby-on-rails-t2383.html http://www.rorexperts.com/google-data-table-using-google-visulization-api-t2384.html

Google Visualization API :

This shows results in good format by the Google Visualization API .

What is this api ?

It is a api shows results in piecharts, barcharts , data views tables

  1. It shows results as a table(Grid view or two dimnesions) data retrives from a spread sheet or Json object with google visulaization data table settings also .

  2. A common interface to expose data and provide data to visualizations on the web.

  3. Easy to developers developing and reuse .

  4. It supports sorting by default .

  5. It supports pagination .

  6. It is workinmg with Google Java script files , like api .

Why we use this ?

In general we are able to write code for data view or pie charts , but it has following uses , easy to use and fast development .

  1. It is a api , so we have no burden .

  2. It is free of cost .

  3. It is customizable and over rightable styles.

  4. It has cross browser compatability .

  5. It supports grouping .

  6. It supports pagination with number of rows per page from spread sheet or json format also .

  7. It have good styles .

  8. Insert html elements easily .

  9. It supports all formats like arrow, bar , number ,date , number and string formats

  10. It works fast comparitive to our application sorting or pagination.

  11. It stores data as data cells like html table .

  12. Each colomn must have same data type.

Customizing the Google Data table :

Before this I have created new application , configure database and created products scaffold . After all are working I created google data table . I am showin results at below url : http://localhost:3000/items/products.

In controller :

class ItemsController < ApplicationController

This for supply data to google table .

def products
    @products = Product.all



Google Data Table :

It shows data in two dimension . Here I am explaining about that topic with a example .

In Items/prodcucts.html.erb

Configure the paging options in the table
Number of rows: Custom paging symbols Configure buttons enabled/disabled

Customization completed start server . c:\grid_view> rails s

Then open in browser : http://localhost:3000/items/products This url shows data in table format with sorting also .

Thanks & Regards, PRASAD.