Home > beat-matching-crossfader


Beat-matching-crossfader is a project mainly written in C and C++, it's free.

beat matching crossfader

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 \ \ BEAT MATCHING CROSSFADER :::::::::::::\ by Aaron Leese\ \ \ \ Hopefully someone out there will find useful or cool. I hacked together a quick application that plays a couple mp3s, with a crossfader - and downloads (from echonest) the beat information for the song (position of each and every beat .. booyah!), then beat matches (using granular resynthesis to timestretch .. no pitch shifting).\ \ The best explanation and demo a youtube video I put together is here:\ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV0yNvCaWAE&feature=player_embedded\ \ A quick list of the libraries used in this project:\ Echonest \'96 to retrieve beat information\ jsonCpp \'96 for reading Json data from echonest\ SoundTouch \'96 for time stretching the audio\ mpg123 - for decoding mp3s\ Juce \'96 everything else - duh!\ \

  • all libraries are GPL or Apache license, all are fully included except juce\
  • all libraries have the implementation included and can be run without compilation except mpg123\ \ git source is here:\ https://github.com/aaronleese/beat-matching-crossfader\ \ \ You will need to recompile the mpg123 format to use this project.\ \ To do so run the makeFile at:\ /beat matching crossfade/Source/mpg123/mpg123_format_src/format\ \ Or compile the xcode project at the same location.}