Home > BEBonjourFinder


BEBonjourFinder is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

API to simplify the discovery of services via Bonjour protocol

This API simplifies the discovery of network services using the Bonjour protocol.

If you need to dynamically discover services on the local network, Bonjour is a very handy protocol.

However, the NSNetServiceBrowser and NSNetService APIs are a little cumbersome.

I want one simple thing from NSNetServiceBrowser... a list of host names of the available Bonjour services on the local network. I don't care to implement all the possible permutations of various error handling scenarios. If there are available services, just give me a list of host names... forget the errors or other details. If you work directly with NSNetServiceBrowser and NSNetService, expect to write some exceedingly verbose code.

This API will simplify things.... Usage:

BEBonjourFinder *finder = [[BEBonjourFinder alloc] init]; finder.delegate = self; [finder findWebServices];

// implement the BEBonjourFinderDelegate protocol

  • (void) didFindBonjourHosts: (NSArray *) hostNames {

    // do something with the list of host names


To use this code.. copy the following into your project.

BEBonjourFinder.h BEBonjourFinder.m BEBonjourFinderDelegate.h

-- Apache Config ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I'm using bonjour to discover apache content servers on the local network without zero naming.

Add / modify the following in your httpd.conf

# RegisterUserSite customized-users # RegisterDefaultSite
    RegisterResource "myhost" "/s/"