Home > beer-tracker


Beer-tracker is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Website/API partner for Numbr5

h1. Beer Totaller

h2. How many bottles of beer on the wall?

Beer Totaller tracks thanks (in the form of beers), as queued up by the "Numbr5 Bot":http://github.com/freelancing-god/numbr5 in IRC.

This initial release is severely limited. Patches are very much welcome. Hopefully it'll see some significant improvement at "Rails Camp 6":http://railscamps.com#au_november_2009 in Melbourne.

h2. Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009 Pat Allan, and released under an MIT License. Heavily inspired by "Lachie Cox's":http://smartbomb.com.au/ "faces.rubyonrails.com.au":http://faces.rubyonrails.com.au, and initially built at "Rails Camp UK 2":http://railscamps.com, October 2009.

This is not a unique idea. There are other very similar implementations. But I wanted to write it... if it gets used, that's just a bonus.
