Home > sfBehatPlugin


SfBehatPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

[UNMAINTAINED] Behat plugin for symfony 1.4 and Behat 1.1


Cucumber-style BDD in symfony.

sfBehatPlugin is a plugin for symfony applications. It help to write Cucumber-like Behat features to test symfony applications.


You need a valid PHPUnit 3.5 installation:

pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
pear channel-discover components.ez.no
pear channel-discover pear.symfony-project.com

pear install phpunit/PHPUnit

And of course, you need to install Behat and Mink:

pear channel-discover pear.symfony.com
pear channel-discover pear.behat.org

pear install behat/behat
pear install behat/mink-beta

Also, you need to install Sahi if you want to test your website in a real browser.
Download the Sahi jar from the [http://sahi.co.in/w/](Sahi website)


Using git clone

Use this to install as a plugin in a symfony app:

cd plugins && git clone git://github.com/Behat/sfBehatPlugin.git

Using git submodules

Use this if you prefer to use git submodules for plugins:

git submodule add git://github.com/Behat/sfBehatPlugin.git plugins/sfBehatPlugin

and enable plugin in your ProjectConfigurations class.



After installation, you need to create features folders for your applications inside symfony's test folder. To do this, simply run:

symfony behat:setup frontend

where frontend is your application name.

Generate Features

To begin with Behat, you need to create your first feature file. Run:

symfony behat:generate-feature frontend main

where frontend & main is your application & module names to test

Run Features

You can either run all app tests with:

behat test/features/frontend

or specific feature with:

behat test/features/frontend/main.feature

or all frontend features with simply:


sfBehatPlugin installs behat.yml into your project root. This is a Behat configuration file for sf environment. So, if you want to run your symfony features from different directory - specify configuration path manually with (-c|--configuration option) like that:

behat -c ../behat.yml


Read Behat docs on official site.


  • everzet (lead): http://github.com/everzet

Behat is maintained by ever.zet http://github.com/everzet Behat is sponsored knpLabs http://www.knplabs.com/en