Home > benfords-hammer


Benfords-hammer is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Python script that analyzes a text document using Benfords Law

This app uses Benfords law to analyze all the numbers within a document to see if they fall within a pattern deemed to be regular.

Think that there's a 10% chance that a number will start with a 1, a 10% chance that a number will start with a 2, etc?

NAY! There's a logarithmic curve, numbers starting with 1's are much more frequent than numbers starting with 2's, and if this pattern isn't followed, we know that there's been some tom-foolery afoot.

If you're curious to read more, the Docs folder has a great white paper on Benfords law, along with some test data samples to run it against, including a fabricated 'realdata.txt' and 'fakedata.txt', along with a randomly generated system log. Will the log fall within Benfords law?!

Syntax: python fdf.py FILENAME.txt