Home > better_jira


Better_jira is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Ruby gem for talking to Jira. Provides the sexiness we expect from ruby.

Work in progress

This project is still in development. I am still tweaking the APIs on a regular basis. Please avoid using this gem unless you are okay with changing APIs.

The latest version on rubygems.org is v0.0.1.


master branch @ rubydoc.info


Print out all issue keys, their available actions, and the fields you can edit with the first action available

require 'better_jira'


jira = BetterJira::Jira.new
jira.login('usename', 'password')

jira.each_issue_from_filter(ALL_ISSUES_FILTER_ID) { |issue|
    puts "- Found issue #{issue[:key]}"
    puts "Actions: "
    actions = issue.available_actions # Connects to server to get actions
    pp actions
    puts ""
    puts "Fields for action #{actions.first.to_s}:"
    pp jira.fields_for_action_id(actions.first[0]) # Connects to server to get fields