Home > bici


Bici is a project mainly written in PYTHON and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A map that displays the information on shared use bicycles

This is a basic Django setup for Ubuntu and Apache 2. We are using python 2.5 and django 1.1

$ apt-get install python-setuptools Also South is useful for database migrations: $easy_install South The first time you do syncdb, comment out all the apps except for "south" The first time, initialize like this: $py manage.py schemamigration kiosks --initial Afterwards, use it like this: $py manage.py schemamigration kiosks --auto

Note that the database and the containing directory should be writable.

Install ElementTree from bicimap/crawler/ run $parsestation.py init Then set up a cron job to run $parsestation.py update every 10 minutes

your vhosts.conf should have this to work properly:

<VirtualHost> ServerName example.com ServerAlias www.example.com

         <Location "/">
             SetHandler python-program
             PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
             SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE bicimap.settings
             PythonDebug On
             PythonPath "['/home/tombrown/'] + ['/home/tombrown/bici/'] + sys.path"

          Alias /media/ /home/tombrown/bici/media/
          <Location "/media/">
              SetHandler None
