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Bierdopje is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A ruby wrapper around the Bierdopje.com api

Bierdopje API Wrapper

This is a gem which wraps the Bierdopje API. It will allow you to find subtitles uploaded to bierdopje.com.

Basic Usage

Basic usage will follow later together with documentation. For now, this is an overview of the methods you can use:

First you'll need to register an API key at Bierdopje.com.

Before you'll be able to make any calls you'll have to set up your API key:

Bierdopje::Base.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

Possible calls:


Show.find id                  # => Will retrieve the Show based on it's bierdopje.com id
Show.find_by_name name        # => Will retrieve the Show based on it's exact name
Show.find_by_tvdb_id id       # => Will retrieve the Show based on it's id on tvdb.com
Show.search query             # => Will search the database based on the show's name

show.episodes                 # => returns an array with all Episodes for this Show
show.episodes(:season => id)  # => returns an array with all Episodes for the given season for this Show
show.subtitles(season_number) # => returns an array with all Subtitles for the given season for this Show


Episode.find id               # => Will retrieve the Episode based on it's bierdopje.com id

episode.show                  # => Will retrieve the Show to which this Episode belongs
episode.subtitles             # => returns an array with all Subtitles for this Episode


Subtitle.find show_id, season_number, episode_number
                              # => Will retrieve all Subtitles which fall in the given scope


Please report them on the Github issue tracker for this project.

If you have a bug to report, please include the following information:

  • Version information for bierdopje, Rails and Ruby.
  • Stack trace and error message.

You may also fork this project on Github and create a pull request. Do not forget to include tests.

Copyright (c) 2011, released under the MIT license.
