Home > BigMenu


BigMenu is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

A menu system designed to emulate the functionality of http://www.bu.edu/. Requires Dojo.


A menu system designed to emulate the functionality of http://www.bu.edu/.

Demo and blog post

Requires Dojo.


If you download this as an archive, make sure you include Dojo. Download the full build of dojo and drop dojo-release-1.6.1 into the root folder. Change the path to Dojo in index.html. It should 'just work'!

// assumes that it resides in /innovate, and that /innovate is in your djConfig = { modulePaths: { "innovate":"path/to/innovate" } };
    var bm = new innovate.BigMenu({ /* options */ }, dojo.byId('menu'));

Alternatively, you can use the declarative syntax, if you like. Make sure you set parseOnLoad: true and modulePaths as before:

var djConfig = {
    parseOnLoad: true,
    modulePaths: {
        "innovate":"../../" // points to root folder. Some jiggery-pokery for release purposes

Require BigMenu:


Add the dojoType and any other options to the UL. Using pre-HTML5 syntax:

<ul dojoType="innovate.BigMenu" animInTime="1000" id="menu">

Or HTML5 sytanx:

<ul data-dojo-type="innovate.BigMenu" data-dojo-props="animInTime:1000" id="menu">

Options and defaults

animInTime: 200,     // length of time to animate in
animOutTime: 200,    // length of time to animate out
hideDelay: 400,      // length of time that the user needs to mouseout before the hide animation starts
showDelay: 150,      // length of time that the user needs to mouseover before the show animation starts
easingIn: 'linear',  // easing for the show animation
easingOut: 'linear', // easing for the hide animation

You can also connect to the animateIn and animateOut methods:

dojo.connect(bm, 'animateIn', function(){ console.log('animate in'); });