Home > AskDave


AskDave is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

Ask Dave

Application Site: http://www.blogography.com/askdave.html

Project Site: http://support.bindlebinaries.net/projects/show/askdave

SCM Portal: http://scm.bindlebinaries.net/scm/clients/blogography/AskDave.git

Getting the source

The source code for this project is maintained using git (http://git-scm.com). The following instructions checkout the source code from the git repository and creates the autotool files:

git clone git://git.scm.bindlebinaries.net/pub/scm/clients/blogography/AskDave.git cd AskDave

Git Branches

docs - branch contains documents related to the "Ask Dave" project master - branch should match the current release of "Ask Dave" next - this branch is the staging area for the next release of "Ask Dave" pu - this branch contains proposed updates for "Ask Dave" ??/* - topical branches used for adding/testing new features of "Ask Dave"

Directory Map

.git/ - Git repository (stores history) .gitignore - list of files for Git to ignore Ask Dave.xcodeproj - Ask Dave Xcode project COPYING - source code license (images are covered by the CC BY-NC-ND copyright license) Entitlements.plist - entitlements file for AdHoc distribution README - this file build/ - Xcode build directory (used for compiling the app) categories/ - contains source files for Objective-C categories classes/ - contains source files for Objective-C classes other/ - misc source files resources/ - resource files such as icons, images, etc resources/images/ - images licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND copyright license by David Simmer II
