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BitlyAPI is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

Java API for Bitly REST API calls

    *** Java API for Bitly REST API ***
  1. INTRODUCTION: This is a java wrapper over the bitly REST API which is described rather very nicely at: http://code.google.com/p/bitly-api/wiki/ApiDocumentation. The main class of interest is 'Bitly'. This provides function calls to all of the REST-API calls mentioned in the above link. Each such call returns a 'BitlyResponse' object which contains all the relevant fields (as mentioned for that corresponding call in the REST-API). However, in order to make this work you need a login and api-key, which can be obtained from bit.ly at: http://bit.ly/a/sign_up. Please go through the individual BitlyResponse child classes documentation to know more about its members and their meanings. You can get the class documentation from inside the folder 'doc'. The starting point would be 'doc/index.html'.

  2. EXAMPLES: An example usage of all the API calls has been added inside the file BitlyTest.java. Go through this file in order to get a hands-on the interface provided by this API. Make sure that you have your jdk bin in the PATH, as well as the JAVA_HOME environment variables set. Then launch the script 'test.sh'. This will prompt you to enter the bitly login and the api-key to be used with all the REST API calls. For this work, you need an account with the bit.ly. Without a valid login and api-key, all calls to bit.ly api are bound fail!

  3. Building the API (eclipse): Just make sure that you have added all the jar files inside the 'lib' folder in the build-path. Then, export the library as a jar file.

  4. Building from the commandline: Currently this is not supported. But, this feature will be added soon.

  5. Documentation: All doxygen documentation can be found inside the folder 'doc'. To start, you can open the 'index.html' and then follow the links of your interest.

  6. JAR FILES: . Bitly-1.0.1.jar

  7. JAR FILE VERSION HISTORY: . v1.0.1: Jun,13,2011: First release for the v3 bitly-API.

  8. DEPENDENCIES: . org.apache.http. . org.json. . JDK (1.6.0_25) . Eclipse IDE (preferred, no strict dependency on version) . bash (v4.1.5)

  9. CONTACT: For any issues/suggestions/comments feel free to contact me at: [email protected].
