Home > bitventory-wallet-generator


Bitventory-wallet-generator is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

The Bitventory Wallet Generator allows a user to generate the keys needed to import their entire wallet into the official Bitcoin client software. All that's needed is the email, password, and shared secret for the account, and it can be res

======================================= Bitventory.com Offline Wallet Generator


The Bitventory Wallet Generator is a tool for generating a wallet.dat file containing the private keys used by the Bitventory.com wallet service. These keys can be absolutely derived using the account email address, the user's secret passphrase, and the shared secret established on account creation.

NOTE: If you lost your shared secret or never wrote it down, the only way to obtain it is to send an email to:

[email protected]

We will verify your identity and then provide the secret over a secure channel. Apologies for the hassle, but we prefer to be paranoid. :)


This README assumes you're using a POSIX-compliant system such as a GNU/Linux distribution of some sort (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, etc). If you're using Windows, you'll need to obtain a package called Cygwin and figure this out yourself.

If you'd like to contribute information on how to use this tool with Cygwin on Windows systems, please send me a pull request.

You'll need the Java 6 JDK.

PACKAGES: pywallet (https://github.com/jackjack-jj/pywallet)


To install the tool, please see INSTALL in the source directory.

To use this application, please invoke it as:

java -jar WalletGenerator.jar [NETWORK] [EMAIL] [PASSWORD] [SECRET]


NETWORK is 'prodnet' for the production network, or 'testnet' for the test network. EMAIL is your account e-mail address. PASSWORD is your applet signing password (NOT your password for logging into the site). SECRET is your shared secret, a long 128 character token given to you on account sign up.

This tool will output three files:

public.keys: Contains an ordered list of your addresses private.keys: Contains an ordered list of your private keys in base58 pywallet_doimport.sh: A shell script which invokes pywallet and uses it to import all of your private keys into the official Bitcoin client's "wallet.dat" file.

Example invocation: java -jar WalletGenerator.jar prodnet [email protected] mypass 000000000...

For help using this tool, feel free to shoot an email to: [email protected]
