Home > Blender-2.5-Import-Export-Scripts-for-HoN-Models


Blender-2.5-Import-Export-Scripts-for-HoN-Models is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Blender 2.5 Import/Export scripts for Heroes of Newerth

Orginal scripts written by theli for Blender 2.49.

See the following thread for details: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=65940

These are modified versions from the orginals, changed to function on Blender 2.5*

Installation Instructions:

Copy the two script files to the Blender scripts path:

   cp k2_import.py ~/.blender/2.57/scripts/addons/
   cp k2_export.py ~/.blender/2.57/scripts/addons/

Within Blender, press space and select either
  "Import HoN Model" or "Export HoN Model" for 
  importing and exporting, respectively


   The interfaces are still pretty hacky.

   Right now the model file is hardcoded into
   the script. It can be changed at the options
   dialog, but the file browser does not seem to
   work, so you need to type in the path manually.

Progress Status:


       Geometry : Working
          + Option available to flip UV coordinates
          + Option available to remove double verts

       Animation : Partially Working
          - Skeleton import working
          - Animation action states created with keyframes
          - Animation data not correct

   Export: No Progress yet