Home > Blognone_Theme3


Blognone_Theme3 is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, it's free.


  • [entries] is the property that contain Titles, Details, Images for each row

if indexPath.row %2 == 0 the row will be the trnasparent gap else

  • creating the new cell
  • rounding the corners
  • insert the content,image from [entries] to each row


tmpCell = cell that's initial cell when creating cell cellNib = to be the Nib point to cell that want to create with myTableView = main TableView entries = all content in rows

[myCell.m] myBackGroundView = backgroundView iconImage = Icon image for each row titleView = title for each row detailView = detail for each row

  • Custom cell Selection in - (void)setSelected:(BOOL)selected animated:(BOOL)animated remove out of default behavior and replace with change background color when selected and unselected.