Home > BMM_labels


BMM_labels is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Semi-supervised Bayesian Model Merging given a bracketing

Original code availble here, http://staff.science.uva.nl/~gideon/ Modified Spring 2011

Syntax: BMM_labels plain_textfile span_file [postag] [dirichlet] [multigrams] [lookahead=la] [beam=b]

plain_textfile (obligatory) is the full path to a file containing unlabeled sentences. Every sentence should end with a space and a . If the file consists of postag sequences, the `postag' flag should be marked; default is lexical sequences.

span_file is a textfile containing Gold Standard spans corresponding to and in the same order as the the sentences in plain_textfile. The lines should be formatted as in the following example: 0-8 0-3 1-3 4-8 5-8 6-8, where every entry represents the span of a constituent in the Gold Standard parse. Spans over single words are ignored.

Options may be added in any order, and are not case sensitive: postag: indicates that sentences in the input file are postag sequences. default = false. dirichlet: indicates the use of the Dirichlet prior. default = false. multigrams: sets a flag that allows the induction of chunks consisting of more than two and up to 4 consecutive no