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Boatman is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Ruby DSL for ferrying around and manipulating files

= boatman

Boatman is a simple Ruby DSL for polling directories and ferrying around / manipulating new files that appear in those folders. It was created as an attempt at something more elegant than having numerous scripts that all do very similar file transfer and manipulation tasks.

== Install

Install the boatman gem (assuming you have Ruby and RubyGems):

gem install boatman

== Example

Get a quick feel for what boatman does with this example.

Create a YAML file to define the task scripts and directories they'll operate on. Let's call it demo.yml:


  • demo.rb directories: fresh_text_folder: txt_output text_storage_folder: storage

Now create two folders under the folder where you have demo.yml called "txt_output" and "storage".

Make a task file demo.rb:

fresh_text_folder.check_every 5.seconds do age :greater_than => 1.second

files_ending_with "txt" do |file|
  move file, :to => text_storage_folder


Now run your task:

boatman demo.yml

Now, while boatman is running, open another terminal or a file browser and create a file in the txt_output folder you created called "demo.txt". Wait a bit and it should get moved to the "storage" folder you made.

Hit Ctrl-C to exit out of boatman. You can take a look at the boatman.log file it creates to see a log of what operations have been performed.

== Creating tasks

=== Polling folders

The top level of a boatman task will usually be a directory polling loop. This is accomplished by running the check_every method on a directory specified in your YAML configuration file. The check_every method takes a time interval as its only argument other than a block. Using the example above, running

fresh_text_folder.check_every 5.seconds do ... end

will run the provided do..end block every 5 seconds in the context of the fresh_text_folder directory.

=== Specifying file/folder criteria

It is often desirable to consider just a subset of the files in the folder being polled. Files/folders can be selected by age and file/folder name. Age can be specified inside the polling folders do..end block:

age of the file must be greater than 1 minute

age :greater_than => 1.minute

age of the file must be less than 24 hours

age :less_than => 24.hours

There are a few ways to select based on file name. Each of these methods accepts a block to run on each selected file/folder:

select files by a string or regular expression

files_matching /d+.tif/ do |file| ... end

select files by a string or regular expression ending

files_ending_with "txt" do |file| ... end

select folders by a string or regular expression

folders_matching /d+/ do |folder| ... end

select folders by a string or regular expression ending

folders_ending_with "log" do |folder| ... end

=== Copying files/folders

Files/folders can be copied or moved inside the block provided to the file/folder matching methods:

move selected files to destination_folder, which needs to be defined in the configuration YAML file.

files_ending_with "txt" do |file| move file, :to => destination_folder end

same thing but copy the file instead of moving it

files_ending_with "txt" do |file| copy file, :to => destination_folder end

boatman will perform a checksum verification by default in order to catch errors in file transfers. This can be disabled with the disable_checksum_verification directive inside the file/folder matching block:

files_ending_with "txt" do |file| disable_checksum_verification

move file, :to => destination_folder


Files can optionally be renamed using the :rename parameter for move or copy:

files_ending_with "txt" do |file|

use the path method on the file

new_name = "renamed_" + File.basename(file.path)

# file will renamed, e.g. test.txt becomes renamed_test.txt
move file, :to => destination_folder, :rename => new_name


The file being copied/moved can also be modified by passing a block to the copy or move methods. The parameters for the block are the path to read the original file and a the path to write the modified file:

files_ending_with "txt" do |file| move file, :to => destination_folder do |old_file_name, new_file_name| old_file = File.new(old_file_name, "r") new_file = File.new(new_file_name, "w")

  old_file.readlines.each do |line|
    new_file << "# #{line}"


== Configuration Files

YAML configuration files for boatman consist of two parts, tasks and directories.

Under tasks you can specify any number of task files to be loaded and run together. Note that boatman will take care of running each task on the interval it specifies, however the tasks are run serially so a long-running task will prevent subsequent tasks from running until it completes:



  • text_file_reformatter.rb
  • raw_data_transfer.rb directories: ...

Directories allow you to name directories you'd like to have available to your tasks. It is possible to specify both Windows- and POSIX-style paths:


my_shared_folder: //mycomputer/myshare


my_shared_folder: /home/bmarzolf/share

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2009 Bruz Marzolf. See LICENSE for details.
