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Boosket_api is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

The Boosket API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access of Boosket stores.

= Boosket API

The Boosket API gem allows Ruby developers to programmatically access of Boosket stores.

Currently, the API is implemented as XML over HTTP using all two verbs (GET and PUT). Each resource, like shop, product, or order, has its own URL and is manipulated in isolation.

== Usage

=== Requirements

All API usage happens through Boosket applications, created by either shop owners for their own shops, or by Boosket Partners for use by other shop owners.

=== Getting Started

  1. First create your shop on Boosket
  2. Install BoosketAPI gem gem install boosket_api
  3. You will need to supply two parameters to the Session class before you instantiate it: BoosketAPI::Session.new({:server => BOOSKET_SERVER, :key => SHOP_KEY})
  4. Now you can play with your data You can retrieve your Boosket shop data with:

    • BoosketAPI::Services::Shop.new
    • BoosketAPI::Services::Navigation
    • BoosketAPI::Services::Products.new
    • BoosketAPI::Services::Product.new

      e.g. bsk = BoosketAPI::Services::Shop.new shop = bsk.find() pp(shop)

    You can create an order, e.g.

    order = BoosketAPI::Services::Orders.new( :ordered_products => { "REFBLK28" => { :reference => "RV510", :combination => 1, :quantity => 2 }, "REFBLK36" => { :reference => "RV510", :combination => 2, :quantity => 4 } }, :shop_key => "c7018972b8e5f08ac0b0ab81a28fff", :facebook_uid => "541245684" ) order.save

    And retrieve the command

    order = BoosketAPI::Services::Order.find(1) 
      :id => nil, :designation => "Designation",
      :firstname => "Firstname", :name => "Name",
      :email => "email",
      :address => "Address", :address_2  => "Address 2",
      :city => "City", :country => "Country", :zip_code => "Zip code"})

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 "Boosket". See LICENSE for details.
