Home > AutoComplete


AutoComplete is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PHP, it's free.

This project is for building an AJAX application that could help user have some hint on the input texts.

Learning notes:

  1. Javascript: a. Chrome and firefox can help us debug, it is really useful and beautiful. You can set breakpoints, step trace, step into the function and debug b. Now I use console.log console.err(..), console.warn("...") more often. Because alert(..) is a little bit annoying. c. The next goal is to get/set the node of the DOM to whatever I want.
  2. XML a. To make a XML response from PHP, one should use text/xml instead of text/plain b. again, Chrome quickly find out my typo and help me debug, very nice tool

Coding styles commited:

  1. tend to be using space rather than tabs
  2. tend to use 2-space wide for each indent
  3. the naming rules seems to be fine right now
  4. no tracing spaces
  5. using unix style line returns
  6. use braces like: if (foo is true) { do something... } else { do the opposite... }