Home > boston-street-scraper


Boston-street-scraper is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Screen Scrape Boston Street Cleaning Data


A screen scraper for the cityofboston.gov/publicworks/sweeping pages

Makes get requests to urls formed like: http://www.cityofboston.gov/publicworks/sweeping/?streetname=#{STREET_NAME}&Neighborhood=

Parsed the response into an array of hashes

Scraper.new('brighton').attributes.inspect => "[{:section=>"Commonwealth Ave - Cambridge St", :street=>"Brighton Ave", :district=>"Allston-Brighton", :side=>"Median", :schedule=>["Every Fri", "12:01am - 7am", "Mar 4"]}, {:section=>"Cambridge St - Commonwealth Ave", :street=>"Brighton Ave", :district=>"Allston-Brighton", :side=>"", :schedule=>["Every Fri", "12:01am - 7am", "Mar 4"]}, {:section=>"Cambridge St - Commonwealth Ave", :street=>"Brighton Ave", :district=>"Allston-Brighton", :side=>"Median", :schedule=>["Every Tue", "12:01am - 7am", "Mar 1"]}, {:section=>"Commonwealth Ave - Cambridge St", :street=>"Brighton Ave", :district=>"Allston-Brighton", :side=>"", :schedule=>["Every Tue", "12:01am - 7am", "Mar 1"]}, {:section=>"Cambridge - Caldwell", :street=>"Brighton St", :district=>"Charlestown", :side=>"Even", :schedule=>["2nd 4th Tue", "8am - 12pm", "Apr 12"]}, {:section=>"Cambridge - Caldwell", :street=>"Brighton St", :district=>"Charlestown", :side=>"Odd", :schedule=>["1st 3rd Tue", "8am - 12pm", "Apr 5"]}]"