Home > BOUT-1.0


BOUT-1.0 is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found.

Stable release for 2011 BOUT++ workshop. NOTE: BOUT++ now at https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev

               BOUT++ Distribution

Released under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL).

In this directory

ABOUT More details and terms of use.

CITATION Contains the paper citation for BOUT++


src The main code directory

manual Contains documentation, in particular the user manual. Read this if you're new to BOUT / BOUT++.

examples Example models and test codes

tools Tools for helping with analysis, mesh generation, and data managment |/archiving Routines for managing input/output files | e.g. compressing data, converting formats, and managing runs | |/idllib Analysis codes in IDL. Add this to your IDL_PATH | environment variable. | |/pdb2idl Library to read Portable Data Binary (PDB) files into IDL | |/pylib Analysis codes in Python | | | |/boutdata Routines to simplify accessing BOUT++ output | | | |/boututils Some useful routines for accessing and plotting data | |/tokamak_grids Code to generate input grids for tokamak equilibria | | | |/gridgen Grid generator in IDL. Hypnotoad GUI for | | converting G-EQDSK files into a flux-aligned | | orthogonal grid. | | | |/elite Convert ELITE .eqin files into an intermediate binary file | | | |/gato Convert DSKGATO files into intermediate binary format | | | |/all Convert the intermediate binary file into BOUT++ input grid | | | |/shifted_circle Produce shifted cirle equilibria input grids
