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Td is a project mainly written in C++ and SHELL, it's free.

Distributed Genetic Evaluation of Tower Defense Game Positions

td - Distributed Genetic Evaluation of Tower Defense Game Positions

Final Project for CPE512 Parallel Programming Course

Dependencies: Google Test (sudo apt-get install libgtest-dev)

Project Proposal: Tower Defense games are described by wikipedia[1] as a "subgenre of real-time strategy computer games. The goal is to try to stop enemies from crossing the map by building towers which shoot at them as they pass." The goal of this project will be to create a small tower defense simulation and develop a distributed genetic algorithm to determine favorable tower placement locations.

The simulation will consist of a closed rectangular area. Enemies will appear from one or more points on the edge of this area, and attempt to move to a goal point by using simple pathfinding techniques. Towers will be placed within the area to attempt to destroy the enemies before they can reach the goal point. There will be at least 3 types of towers: a long range/low damage tower, a short range/high damage tower, and a tower that temporarily slows the movement speed of the enemies, but does no damage. There will be a limited number of towers available to be placed. The tower positions will be constrained to a rectangular grid within the simulation area, and any position that completely blocks the movement of enemies towards the goal point will be ruled invalid. In other words, there must always exist at least one path from the entry point to the goal point.

This project will use a distributed genetic algorithm to determine favorable tower positions for destroying the largest number of enemies. The fitness of each placement will be evaluated by running a simulation to determine how many enemies reach the goal point. The parallel performance will be evaluated both in terms of speedup (the number of genetic permutations that can be evaluated in a certain wall clock time), efficiency of evaluating positions, and also by the quality of the best positions generated (as measured against the fitness function.)

The project will be written in C++ and MPI and use the altix.asc.edu cluster to test the parallel performance. A survey of existing open-source tower defense games will be performed, and if a suitable existing project is found, it may be used for the serial implementation. If no suitable existing project is found, a basic serial simulation will be written from scratch.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_defense
