Home > makeapp


Makeapp is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, it's free.

Very simple script to make a Mac OS X app from a script

===== What is this?

This is a simple script to convert scripts (built for python may work with others) into app bundles to easily run on Mac OS X.


Basic command syntax:: makeapp.py main supporting_module(s) -r resource1 -r resource2... [options]

Where the various parts are:

main the script to execute

supporting_module(s) other scripts or modules that will be placed in the same (Contents/MacOS) directory as main

resource(s) files that will be placed in Contents/Resources. Multiple resources can be defined with -r resource

options described below


-d, --dir destination directory for app

-i, --icon icon file (.icns) to use [default = None]

-l, --launcher use a launcher script to set the working directory to Contents/MacOS

-n, --name name of the resulting app (without .app) [default = basename of main script]

-r, --resource defines one of potentially many resource files

-s, --script add a script (either a file or text) to the launcher script. This text will be executed with sh after changing the working directory and prior to executing main


Maybe add configuration/build files or integrate with distribute setup.