Home > brainstem-gui


Brainstem-gui is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

thick-client gui that makes secure cross-domain HTTP API requests

Install and Run

Requires python, which is installed by default on most unix variants.

$ git clone [email protected]:crcastle/brainstem-gui.git
$ cd brainstem-gui
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4567

Now open browser and go to http://localhost:4567


brainstem-gui is a thick-client GUI that can make encrypted (HTTPS) and authenticated (Basic Auth) cross-domain HTTP requests (e.g. to an API).

Currently, brainstem-gui is a simple proof-of-concept showing

  1. How to make cross-domain HTTP requests with jQuery
  2. How authentication can work
  3. What a simple GUI layout might look like (using jQuery)

Note that jQuery is not necessary for the core functionality. It was used to speed up the prototyping process. Some code changes would be necessary, but jQuery could be removed completely or replaced with another JS framework/library.
