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Punchy is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and C#, based on the MIT license.

Punchy is a .NET library for web applications that minifies and combines javascript and css files into pre-configured bundles AT RUNTIME. It is based on Pithy.


Punchy is a .NET library for web applications that minifies and combines javascript and css files into pre-configured bundles at runtime. Most of the time you want to perform this step during the build process, but occasionally it can be helpful to do it at runtime. Such as when you have user-editable css, cannot distribute minification tools, or otherwise modify js/css without building.

Punchy is based on Pithy. Pithy does something very similar but uses a .NET port of YUI Compressor exclusively. Punchy allows you to configure custom toolchains and includes tools for Less Css, YUI Compressor for .NET, and the vexingly named Microsoft Ajax Minifier.

Punchy requires that a folder within your web application be writable by the application. It has not been tested on Azure.

Punchy uses file modification times to figure out if source files need to be re-minified. Re-minified files are given cache-busting querystring parameters.

Change History


  • Updated nuget package to reference new version of Microsoft Ajax Minifier (Olld one was no longer available)
  • Created support FAQ on github


  • Fixed MS Ajax Minifier issue where semicolons were ommitted from the end of files.
  • Modified build output location, added example files to output folder
  • Fixed support for "apply to all mimetypes" toolchain


beta release


alpha release
