Home > brause


Brause is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

EPP CLI test client - non validating


a non validating EPP test client with minimal dependencies. it is designed to test the NZRS .nz EPP implementation but can easily be customised to test other EPP implementations as well or even act as a command line interface to EPP registries (even though performance is not the goal here)

EPP XML templates are as templates in the template tree and can be run with the brause commandline utility.

The commandline utility reads commands and options off a config file (standard is recipies.conf) which can be defined with the -d commandline switch. The config file format holds the entire command sequence that should be tested in the following way:

command = login user = XXX pass = XXXXXXXXXXX command = DO YOUR TESTS HERE key = value key = value command = logout

This way command sequences can be tested quite easy. This should work for stress testing servers as well.


this is a very basic web client that mekes testing really straight forward. simply run the kracherl command and fill the text boz with the commands you want to run then hit "run commands".

the web interface will be available on
