Home > browner


Browner is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

Simple tasklist web application


:Author: Víctor Muñoz [email protected]


This web application is a simple multiuser tasklist, developed to demonstrate how to quickly develop applications using Django and MongoDB.


  • Django <http://djangoproject.com>_, at least version 1.3 (due to the use of django.contrib.staticfiles).
  • MongoDB <http://mongodb.org> and PyMongo <http://api.mongodb.org/python/>.
  • PostgreSQL <http://postgresql.org> and Psycopg2 <http://initd.org/psycopg/>.


The code is a full-featured Django project, so you can run it simply by creating the database tables starting the development server::

$ ./manage.py syncdb
$ ./manage.py runserver

Of course, you should have configured the PostgreSQL and MongoDB connection parametres beforehand, as well as created the appropriate user and database for PostgreSQL.

Since MongoDB is a schemaless database it does not require any special attention.


This is beerware, which means: use, copy, modify, redistribute or print and burn my code, as long as you give me credit. If we meet someday, you can buy me a beer.
