Home > bufmru.vim


Bufmru.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

switch to a most recently used buffer quickly

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2346

Switch between MRU buffers from the current session. Like CTRL-^, but reach more buffers (and maintain only one global list, not one list per window).


Press to show the most recently used buffer and enter Bufmru mode.

In Bufmru mode: Press f or b (forward/backward) to reach more MRU buffers. Press e or to accept the current choice. Press q or to quit the mode and to go back to the start buffer Press y to copy a file name

Configuration: :let g:bufmru_switchkey = "" (checked once) Key to enter Bufmru mode.

:let g:bufmru_confclose = 0 (always) Use :confirm (1) when abandoning a modified buffer. Otherwise (0, default) you'll get an error message, unless 'hidden' is set.

:let g:bufmru_bnrs = [] (always) The internal stack of buffer numbers. Normally, you'll leave this alone, but you can manually add or remove buffer numbers or initialize the list. Don't worry about wrong numbers.

:let g:bufmru_read_nummarks = 0 (once) Put the number mark '0 ... '9 buffers in g:bufmru_bnrs. This adds buffers to the buffer list!

wildmenu version only:

g:bufmru_wildmenu (dictionary, initially not defined) (always) Instance of autoload/wildmenu.vim to show buffer names in a wildmenu-like list. If not defined, bufmru tries to load the autoload script. If that fails the value becomes empty ({}) -- and bufmru quite unusable.

:let g:bufmru_wilditems = "bufnr,shortpath" (always) How to display entries in the "wildmenu": "bufnr" with prepended buffer number "shortpath" with pathshorten() applied to the bufname() There is no error message for wrong items.

splashbufs version only:

:let g:bufmru_lazy_filetype = 0 (checked always) If 1, do lazy filetype detection when going through the buffers with f and b. Not used if 'hidden' is set.

special buffer: 'buftype' not empty or 'previewwindow' set

Related: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Easier_buffer_switching http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/msg/adb4f35772ecbcbe

Another MRU buffers script! But it requires Ruby (that I haven't installed): LustyJuggler Vimscript #2050

Created after a mailing list request from a Visual Studio user ;-)
