Home > bugduino_tool


Bugduino_tool is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

An Arduino IDE tool for uploading code to a Bugduino connected to a BugBase

This is the code and tools to build a 'Tool' plugin for the Arduino IDE (based on the Processing IDE). The tool build by this project will enable uploading an Arduino sketch to a bugduino module via a network connection.

= setup.sh = Run this the first time you check this out, to setup the environemnt to build the bugduino tool.

= make.sh = Builds the bugduino tool for the IDE. If possible, it copies that tool into ~/sketchbook/tool//tool/ , which is the Processing/Arduino specification for an external tool.

= installBugduinoTool.sh = This is a shell script for an end user to install the bugduino tool on their own linux machine