Home > bundler-rcov-bug


Bundler-rcov-bug is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Minimal example for Bundler+RCov bug report


One file is missing from my rcov coverage report when I run rcov using bundle exec instead of on its own. I've done everything I can to minimize outside interference, including wiping out my global gemset (except for bundler) and even my system gems.


bundle config is empty. Bundler version: Bundler version 1.0.17 Ruby version: ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [i686-darwin10.8.0] Rubygems version: 1.8.6 RVM: yes, rvm 1.6.32 by Wayne E. Seguin ([email protected]) [https://rvm.beginrescueend.com/] rubygems-bundler gem: not installed open_gem gem: not installed global gemset contains nothing but bundler project gemset is empty before bundle install

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone the small example repo.
  2. Trust the .rvmrc file.
  3. bundle install
  4. rcov -T -Ilib:spec --exclude gems/*,spec/*,ruby/* spec/*_spec.rb spec/**/*_spec.rb
  5. 4 examples run and pass, and all three source files under lib were checked for coverage.
  6. bundle exec rcov -T -Ilib:spec --exclude gems/*,spec/*,ruby/* spec/*_spec.rb spec/**/*_spec.rb
  7. Same 4 examples run and pass, but only two files were checked for coverage.


  1. I first noticed the issue while running the rspec/rcov rake tasks, but once I traced it to bundle exec, I took rake out of the equation for simplicity's sake.
  2. I tried rspec 2.6 as well, and got the same result.
  3. which rcov and bundle exec which rcov point to the same executable.