Home > Burroughs-B-7971-Nixie-Tube-Character-Designer


Burroughs-B-7971-Nixie-Tube-Character-Designer is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the View license.

A web-based tool for designing characters and patterns on the Burroughs B-7971 nixie tube. Designs can be saved as decimal, hex, or binary values for incorporation into firmware or software for clock and four-letter-word style projects.

This is a web-based tool for designing characters and patterns on the Burroughs B-7971 nixie tube and mapping them to port or shift register bit orderings. Designs are presented as decimal, hex, and binary values. Designs can be exported as C-code for incorporation into firmware or software for clock and four-letter-word style projects.

A hosted version of the project can be found at http://b7971.lucsmall.com/

The code makes extensive use of JQuery, JQuery UI, JQuery Reverse Order plugin, and JQuery Sort Elements. Thanks to the developers of those great projects.
