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Buzzbee is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

jQuery plugin and web service to embed Google Buzz in your website


Buzzbee is a jQuery plugin and web service to embed Google Buzz in your website.

You can see an example at http://jquery-buzzbee.appspot.com/


Update: Buzzbee no longer requires jQuery 1.4.1 or a browser that supports cross-domain headers!

Getting started with Buzzbee is as easy as:

<div class="buzz-box">Loading...</div>

<script src="http://jquery-buzzbee.appspot.com/jquery.buzzbee.js"

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Your profile ID can be found from your profile URL.
    // http://www.google.com/profiles/example#buzz
    // Means the ID is 'example'

If you would like to host the JavaScript files yourself, you can download the latest JavaScript files from GitHub.


The buzzbee function can take two arguments; the first being a Google Profile ID and an optional options object containing:


A string to display if Buzzbee can't retrieve any Buzz from Google. The default is 'Unable to connect.'.


A string to display if Google returns no Buzz. The default is 'No available Buzz.'.


The maximum number of entries to display. Use 0 for no limit. The default is 10.


The maximum height (in pixels) of media. Use 0 for no limit. The default is 120.


An element or string to insert between Buzz entries. The default is empty.


An element or string to insert between entry details (the title, date and comments). The default is ' - '.


A string to use to use for the Google Buzz JSONP request. The URL used is url_prefix + user + '?callback=padding' and it must return a JSONP formatted Buzz profile feed. The default is 'http://jquery-buzzbee.appspot.com/jsonfeed/'
