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Scripts is a project mainly written in PERL and SHELL, it's free.

Scripts that make (computer) life easier

Added gpxTools scripts.

All scripts can be called via command line interface. Tested with the Bash on Mac OSX 'Snow Leopard' but should be working also with any Linux/Unix machine. Feedback is welcome (GitHub-Wiki, Email)

Prerequisites (at least tested with):

gpsbabel >= 1.3.6 Perl >= 5.10.0 gpx2map >= rev. 340 (from http://sethdepot.org/gpx2map/) Geo::Gpx >= 0.26 (-> 'cpan Geo::Gpx') gnuplot >= 4.2


viewAsRoute - Displays gpx route or track via Google Maps (as route). viewAsTrack - Displays gpx route or track via Google Maps API (as track). gpxSplit - Splits one gpx file containing multiple tracks or routes in one file per segment. gpxMerge - Merges multiple gpx files (route or track) to one file and track. gpx2itn - Creates a TomTom itn file with less than 48 points (from route or track gpx file). itn2gpx - Creates a gpx file from TomTom itn file. gpx2gmap - Google Maps Route Interface for viewAsRoute gpxSegments - Lists all tracks or routes in a gpx file.

=========== This work by Sebastian Rockel ([email protected]) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Germany License. "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de/"