Home > c-named-params


C-named-params is a project mainly written in C, it's free.

Macros to provide "named parameter"-like behavior in c programs with default values.

project: c-named-params author: Benjamin Petrin


These macros provide simple "named parameter"-like behavior in c programs. The trouble of processing the parameters is abstracted away from the programmer. This work was inspired by the usage of some of the libCurl functions.


You can define a function like this:

int openfile(NAMED){ INIT_ARGS( / type name default value / ARG(char, filename, "/home/me/default_file.txt") ARG(char, user_buff, NULL) ARG(int, user_buff_ln, 0) ARG(char**, buff, NULL) )

.... }

And then call it like this:

            N(user_buff, buffer),
            N(user_buff_ln, buffer_ln)

Or with different parameters like this:

            N(filename, "test.txt"),
            N(buff, &caller_freed)