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Cache_it is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

ActiveRecord cache


Cache for ActiveRecord objects, backed by ActiveSupport::CacheStore of your choice.


create table users ( id int(11) not null increment, first varchar(255), last varchar(255), email varchar(255), age int(11), points int(11), primary key (id), unique key index_users_on_email (email), unique key index_users_on_last_first (last, first) );

class User < ActiveRecord::Base cache_it do |c| c.index :last, :first c.index :email c.counters :points end end

user = User.cache_it.find :first => "Joe", :last => "Schmoe" user.email = "[email protected]" user.points = 5 user.age = 29 user.save user.age = 30 user.cache_it.write

User.cache_it.read(:email => "[email protected]").first.age => 30 User.where(:email => "[email protected]").first.age => 29 user.save => true User.where(:email => "[email protected]").first.age => 30

user.cache_it.increment :points => 6 User.cache_it.read(:first => "Joe", :last => "Schmoe").points => 6 User.where(:first => "Joe", :last => "Schmoe").first.points => 5 user.save => true User.where(:first => "Joe", :last => "Schmoe").first.points => 6

Copyright (c) 2011 Rodrigo Vanegas, released under the MIT license