Home > cacheNow


CacheNow is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

A javascript cache system.


Basically, this script is meant to store objects and optionally relate them to a query. You can't perform queries, but you can store objects from a query that you did. You can then retrieve the objects of an specific query.


 // Create an instance of the CacheNow.
 // The 'id' string is the identifier property
 // of the object that will be stored here.
 var cache = new CacheNow('id');

 // Let's say that you have retrieved this array of objects from some url
 var objects = [
    {id:1, name:'John', date:'2011-08-03'},
    {id:2, name:'Mike', date:'2011-08-03'},
    {id:3, name:'Locke', date:'2011-08-03'},
    {id:4, name:'Luis', date:'2011-08-03'},
    {id:5, name:'José', date:'2011-08-03'}

 // Here I will add those objects to the cache with the query used
 // to retrieve them.
 cache.add(objects, {minDate:'2011-08-01', maxDate:'2011-08-05'});

 // After that, another query is performed (the same query as before)
 var data = cache.query({minDate:'2011-08-01', maxDate:'2011-08-05'});

 // Now it checks if the cache returned something
 if (data.length > 0)
    // Do something with this data
 else {
    // Retrieve the data from some source
    var query = {minDate:'2011-08-01', maxDate:'2011-08-05'};
    ajaxRequest('http://datasource/list', query, function(request) {
        // In this example the data is in JSON
        var objects = eval('(' + request.responseText + ')');
        // Then the objects are added to the cache
        cache.add(events, query);