Home > Cactidroid


Cactidroid is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Android Monitor aka. Cactidroid

Q: What is Cacti Droid? A: Simple, a tool that gets Cacti exported graphs and shows on your Android device.

Q: Why did you made that? A: Learning Java and Java for android and all the fun.

Q: Why CACTI? A: Cacti is simple and yet powerful. You can make nasty things on it. Back when I got this job that I am. They didn't had any monitoring tool for they servers/network. My schedule was quite busy that time all I could do fast to have something to show my boss was a Simple Cacti. Now your cacti does monitor even or Microsoft SQL Servers and PostGres.

How to use:

First get the code, avaliable for free at http://github.com/mdrjr/Cactidroid.git

You must have at least an idea on how to use Eclipse. If you dont, get eclipse at: http://www.eclipse.org/ You also must have Android SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

Import the project inside your eclipse and change the variables to your enviroment.

Also you need a XML that have all the graphs/options/hosts.

the XML Format is very simple, here's and Example on what it is. Key: servers -> servers separated by comma. Key: servername-res -> your servers monitored resourses. eg. CPU, CPU 1, Network1, Database Transactions. Key: servername-resname -> name of the image, eg. graph_100_1 (you don't have to put the .png at the end.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "http://java.sun.com/dtd/properties.dtd">

Cactidroid Config XML Server1,Server2 CPU 0, CPU 1,Disk Usage /Database CPU,Network Usage,Disk Space,Memory graph_000_1 graph_002_1 graph_781_1

As you may noticed this is a Java Properties. You can create it at your own using Java. Here's the sample.

import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Properties;

public class MAIN {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    // All Servers
    prop.put("servers", "Server1,Server2");

    // Server 1
    prop.put("Server1-res", "CPU 0,CPU 1,Disk Usage /Database");
    prop.put("Server1-CPU 0", "graph_000_1");
    prop.put("Server1-CPU 1", "graph_002_1");
    prop.put("Server1-Disk Usage /Database", "graph_781_1");

    // Server 2
    prop.put("Server2-res", "CPU,Network Usage,Disk Space, Memory");

    // Out Stream
    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("Path.To.Save.Your.xml"));

    prop.storeToXML(out, "Cactidroid Config XML");


This class above will create the same XML.

All other stuff you should be capable of doing. Shouldn't be hard for you. If an imbecil like me can do it.

History Brief: v0.1 ultra alpha with plenty of crashs: First version, ugly as hell, no-one saw, thank god. Used jcifs to get those graphs from a network share. Kinda slow, even on the internal network. Hardcoded all servers/resources/graphs

v0.5 i'm getting better at it. Second version, replaced the jcifs lib to use the internal http connection, sice those graphs are already at a webserver (DUHHH). Alot faster. Added a timer to auto-update the graph Still Hardcoded stuff

v1.0 this release XML config file. Cleaner code