Home > cake-ring


Cake-ring is a project mainly written in Clojure, based on the EPL-1.0 license.

Control Ring web apps during development with Cake.


Control Ring web apps during development with Cake.


This is a Cake port of part of the functionality that James Reeves's excellent lein-ring provides. Currently the only functional commands are cake ring server, which starts a development server according to the :ring key in your project, and cake ring stop, which shuts down any server that you may have started.

Just like lein-ring, you specify your main Ring handler with a :ring key in your project. The :ring key should be a map containing at least a :handler key, which gives the fully qualified name of your top level Ring handler. You can also specify :init and :destroy, which are two functions that will be called on app start and app shutdown.

Currently this is the only implemented functionality, but in the future this may expand to include the ability to package up Ring webapps into wars automatically.

Obtaining it

Just add [cake-ring "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"] to your project.clj and then do cake deps.
