Home > cakephp_challenge_response_authentication


Cakephp_challenge_response_authentication is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

A plugin containing a replacement for cake's AuthComponent that provides javascript challenge-response password authentication.

ChallengeResponseAuthentication Plugin

A plugin containing a replacement for cake's AuthComponent that provides javascript challenge-response password authentication.


  • CakePHP 1.3

What does it do?

  • It generates a pseudo-nonce on the server-side (the "challenge"), based on a random string and the current time).
  • When the user submits a login form, it uses javascript to:
    • construct a salted hash of the password in the same way that the server normally stores passwords in the database.
    • hash the result again after concatenating with the one-use nonce.
    • send this value instead of the plaintext password to the server.
  • The server performs the same process with the same one-off nonce, and compares the results to see if they match.


  • http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/auth.html

Why would you use this?

  • If you've been told to by a client!
  • The only real reason to use this is avoid passwords being sent in plain text over the internet.
  • If for some reason you can't implement SSL this may be a compromising alternative, but you probably have other problems (cookie sniffing and hijacking for instance).
  • If you have SSL then this can provide a small extra layer of protection in case the user was tricked by a spoofed certificate sent by a proxy, because the user never sends the actual password, and the value sent is usable only once.


  • The password must still be sent in the clear for registration and password reset requests so the server can update its records.
  • Your application's security salt will be revealed to all visitors who see the login form, as this is required for the hashing to be done client-side.
  • Automatic password hashing in the controller is disabled, so to save new passwords you must manually hash it first.
  • Be careful about ajax requests or missing asset requests triggering new nonces to be generated in the background


Replace cake's Auth component in your AppController::$components array:

var $components = array('ChallengeResponseAuthentication.ChallengeResponseAuthenticationAuth');

Add the helper (necessary for any view that generates a login form):

var $helpers = array('ChallengeResponseAuthentication.ChallengeResponseAuthenticationAuth');

Call generateLoginNonce() in the controller of your login page. If every page on your site might display a login box in the header, you can do this in AppController::beforeRender() like so:

function beforeRender() {

This is what your login form should look like:

<?php echo $form->input('username'); ?> 

<?php echo $form->input('password', array(
)); ?>

Include the following two javascript files on any page that renders a login form:

<?php echo $html->script('/challenge_response_authentication/js/sha1'); ?> 
<?php echo $html->script('/challenge_response_authentication/js/jquery.challenge-response-authentication'); ?>