Home > cakephp-lang-helper


Cakephp-lang-helper is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

CakePHP Language and Country Helper

CakePHP Language and Country Helper


Some snippets taken from Tane Piper See http://digitalspaghetti.me.uk Author: Brendon Crawford See: http://github.com/brendoncrawford/cakephp-lang-helper

Licensed under The MIT License Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.


Outputs a country select list and/or a language select list. Automatically detects language and country codes from browser headers.


Helper Class:

<?php  echo $lang->countrySelect('Foo.country'); ?>

Helper Class:

<?php  echo $lang->languageSelect('Foo.language'); ?>

You can override defaults such as:

Helper Class:

echo $lang->countrySelect('Foo.country', array(
    'label' => __('Choose a Country', true),
    'default' => 'ru',
    'class' => 'some-class'

Helper Class:

    echo $lang->languageSelect('Foo.language', array(
        'label' => __('Choose a Language', true),
        'default' => 'sp',
        'class' => 'some-class'

Note that the 'default' option is only used if the form was not previously submitted, and country/language information could not be extracted from the HTTP request.