Home > call-center-solution


Call-center-solution is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, it's free.

The call center disaster recovery solution provides ccxml portal, MQ producer/consumer, and webservices to manage call handling and agent selection.



The call center disaster recovery solution provides ccxml portal, MQ producer/consumer, and webservices to manage call handling and agent selection. The ccxml portal can be loaded into an existing phone tree by creating an application in Voxeo's cloud, and issuing a to the assigned number. A demo of the application can be see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMN04Gucnck.


(Python) Django == 1.1.1

simplejson amqplib logging urllib urllib2

(Services) postgres DB with dbname=cc_ivr Rabbit MQ


The python libs can be installed using setuptools: python setup.py install . This will install django and ampqlib for Rabbit MQ. This currently creates dist/ and egg/ folders which aren't needed and can be removed.

Rabbit MQ can be installed following the instructions here: http://www.rabbitmq.com/install.html.

To create the ccxml portal, upload the files in cc_vector_ccxml/ to Voxeo's cloud and create an application that points to 'call_center_ivr.ccxml'. The number assigned from Voxeo can be used to call the application.

Run the sql_scripts found in cc_vector_webservices/services/. This will create the agents and call_history tables.


To use this solution, start the django server. Update PHONO_API_KEY in django settings.py. Update 'WEBSERVICE_URL' in ccxml to point to above django server.

Update the Rabbit MQ configs found in cc_vector_manager/config.py. Start consumer by running call_center_vector_consumer.py script.