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Callphp is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

ExpressionEngine plugin allowing you to use php functions without allowing php in the template

Call PHP

A plugin for ExpressionEngine which allows you to use PHP in your templates without enabling php.

PHP functions are selected using the method param


You can add parameters to the function call by separating the params with a | you can optionally wrap the params in square braces [] if you want to preserve a space at the beginning of the string.


To replace all spaces in a string using str_replace use this. We are passing three params here the first is a space, the second is an empty string, the third is the string to search.

{exp:callphp method="str_replace" params="[ ||The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" }

You can get the date like the

{exp:callphp method="date" params="m-d-Y"}

call strtotime

{exp:callphp method="strtotime" params="Monday January 1, 2011"}

You can also use the tag data as a param. When you use tag data it adds it as a param to the end of the array, therefore if you wanted to just use the tagdata you wouldn't declare the params in the tag.

{exp:callphp method="strtotime"}

Monday January 1, 2011 {/exp:callphp}
