Home > campfire


Campfire is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

a command line script for using 37signal's campfire chat room

NAME campfire

SYNOPSIS campfire (setup|status) [message*] [options]+

DESCRIPTION a command line script for using 37signal's campfire chat room

it's main purpose is listing and posting status messages

PARAMETERS message (-1 ~> message) --limit=limit, -l (0 ~> integer(limit=10)) --domain=domain, -d (0 ~> domain) your campfire subdomain name - loaded from ~/.campfire.yml iff present --token=token, -t (0 ~> token) your campfire api token - loaded from ~/.campfire.yml iff present --room=room, -r (0 ~> room) which campfire room to post to - loaded from ~/.campfire.yml iff present --config=config, -C (0 ~> config=~/.campfire.yml) specify a config.yml file --force, -F --debug, -D --help, -h

EXAMPLES . setup the configuration campfire setup

. list the most recent 42 status messages campfire status

. post a status message campfire status "i am hacking on shiz-nit again today"