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Studio is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Web-based administration interface for MapServer

Studio is an administration tool for MapServer <http://mapserver.org>_. It allows to manage MapServer mapfiles, using an easy-to-use web interface.

Studio provides graphical tools, such as sliders and color pickers, for editing styles and symbols. It also provides a tool for automatic classification, and allows saving layers as templates for reuse.

Studio is based on modern frameworks and libraries, including, but not limited to, Pylons <http://pylonshq.com>, SQLAlchemy <http://www.sqlalchemy.org>, OGRGDAL <http://gdal.org>, OpenLayers <http://www.openlayers.org>, and GeoExt <http://www.geoext.org>_.

Studio is covered by the GPLv3 open-source license.

See the Studio documentation at http://camptocamp.github.com/Studio/.
