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CarbFW is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

ip6tables firewall generation script

+----------------------------------------------+ | carbfw6 version 0.1 | | by [email protected] | +----------------------------------------------+

  1. Purpose This script was started to generate ip6tables rules for hosts and the current release more or less supports this. However there is a section that controls routing and this is mainly for the purpose of handling minor forwarding filtering with regards to virtual machines and filtering the routes between their private networks.

  2. Configuration & Defaults Currently the script uses variables at the beginning of the script to control it's behavior. Editing of these variables changes sections of the resulting rules.

    2.1 Control variables These variables enable and disable different code blocks. They can be set as on with the value of "1", any other value disables them.

    • flush - enables a code block to remove the current iptables rules and tables.
    • mobile - enables rules to allow the transit of Mobile IPv6 related ICMP packets
    • backup - enables code to backup your current ip6tables rules, restorable with ip6tables-restore
    • r_enable - enables the iptables that go into the FORWARD table
    • r_stateful - enables a rule to statefully allow returning packets

    2.2 Host variables These variables influence and provide data and settings for various parts of the host oriented ip6tables rule generation. These sections describe what format the script will expect in the variable.

    • backup_file - variable sets the location of the ip6tables-save output
    • ip6t - the variable that stores the ip6tables location/flags/command
    • localPrefix - An array that stores all the network prefixes you would consider to be local and implicitly trusted
    • internetPrefix - an array storing public prefixes so that packets sourced from these IPs can be considered local as well
    • localPorts - ports to accept from hosts in the networks specified in the previous two variables. The ports are specified in the /etc/services standard of / and seperated by spaces.
    • publicPorts - ports to accept from the big wide internets.

    2.3 Routing variables These variables control various behaviors within the routing rules generation subsystem.

    • r_blockPorts - specifies ports to block while crossing the FORWARD table using the /etc/services format specified in earlier configuration parameters
    • r_interf - specifies directional allowed transit paths between interfaces while crossing the FORWARD table. Combinations are specified by a custom standard of [source interface]>[destination interface] and seperated by spaces. If r_stateful is enabled packets can return to their source network without an explicitly specified return path in this section.
  3. Development Please bear in mind this is an early development release. If you find any bugs, have any ideas, or have coded any features, please send them back to the maintainer. This script may also see major changes in the future; backwards compatability is likely to be a rare luxury. The current maintainer of this script is CarbonLifeFormpsych0tik.net
